
My newest novel! For book club questions, click on “Book Club Discussion Questions” tab.

Tick-Tock: reviews of my poetry chapbook, available from

” . . . none of us can escape the fact that time is finite. In Tick-TockPeggy Schimmelman tackles this truth with wit and intelligence, exploring universal fears, regrets, joys, and sorrows . . . . Join her as she ‘tumbles through time’ with procrastinators, insomniacs, mothers, musicians, and more.”

–Cynthia J. Patton, author of Across An Aqueous Moon: Travels in Autism and Poet Laureate of Livermore, CA (2017-2021). 

. . . just when you think these poems are reflections on the passage of time as her title implies, they catch you by surprise. The vignettes – a spat with a neighbor, a chat with her long-dead mother, a trip to the thrift store – provide glimpses of fragile and complicated relationships . . . . We might be soothed by the music of the poetry – “stars slipping out/of cozy constellations/like teenage daughters” . . . but Schimmelman’s vivid no-nonsense sass keeps grabbing us by the soul and bringing us back to full attention.

–Cher Wollard, Poet Laureate of Livermore, CA, 2009-2013, author of The Magician’s Wife and In My Other Life

Crazytown: From the foreword of my first poetry chapbook, published in 2016 byWriting Knights Press and available at

“Peggy Schimmelman’s book, Crazytown, offers an honest and perceptive look at some of the harsh realities of life . . . . this is a powerful book that is destined to have an impact on all who read it.”

_-Kevin N. Gunn, author of “Hey, Yard Duty, Johnny said the F Word” and former Poet Laureate of Livermore, CA

Whippoorwills: Set alternately in the Missouri Ozarks and northern California, Peggy Schimmelman’s first novel presents eccentric characters and a poignant yet humorous plot involving a stolen corpse, unfulfilled dreams, and unfinished business. It is a story of love, friendship, loyalty, forgiveness, fleeting time, occasional insanity, and one woman’s contentious but enduring relationship with Jesus Christ. Available at

Long Stories Short by Wild Vine Writers: I co-authored this fun book with seven other Livermore writer friends. We rose to the challenge of producing an anthology of stories, each with exactly 100 words. Available at

Wild Vine Writers, friends and writing group extraordinaire!