Tick-Tock: reviews of my poetry chapbook, available from Amazon.com.
” . . . none of us can escape the fact that time is finite. In Tick-Tock, Peggy Schimmelman tackles this truth with wit and intelligence, exploring universal fears, regrets, joys, and sorrows . . . . Join her as she ‘tumbles through time’ with procrastinators, insomniacs, mothers, musicians, and more.”
–Cynthia J. Patton, author of Across An Aqueous Moon: Travels in Autism and Poet Laureate of Livermore, CA (2017-2021).
. . . just when you think these poems are reflections on the passage of time as her title implies, they catch you by surprise. The vignettes – a spat with a neighbor, a chat with her long-dead mother, a trip to the thrift store – provide glimpses of fragile and complicated relationships . . . . We might be soothed by the music of the poetry – “stars slipping out/of cozy constellations/like teenage daughters” . . . but Schimmelman’s vivid no-nonsense sass keeps grabbing us by the soul and bringing us back to full attention.
–Cher Wollard, Poet Laureate of Livermore, CA, 2009-2013, author of The Magician’s Wife and In My Other Life
Crazytown: From the foreword of my first poetry chapbook, published in 2016 byWriting Knights Press and available at https://www.amazon.com/Crazytown-Peggy-Schimmelman/dp/1541337522
“Peggy Schimmelman’s book, Crazytown, offers an honest and perceptive look at some of the harsh realities of life . . . . this is a powerful book that is destined to have an impact on all who read it.”
_-Kevin N. Gunn, author of “Hey, Yard Duty, Johnny said the F Word” and former Poet Laureate of Livermore, CA
Whippoorwills: Set alternately in the Missouri Ozarks and northern California, Peggy Schimmelman’s first novel presents eccentric characters and a poignant yet humorous plot involving a stolen corpse, unfulfilled dreams, and unfinished business. It is a story of love, friendship, loyalty, forgiveness, fleeting time, occasional insanity, and one woman’s contentious but enduring relationship with Jesus Christ. Available at https://www.amazon.com/Whippoorwills-Peggy-Schimmelman/dp/150288903X
Long Stories Short by Wild Vine Writers: I co-authored this fun book with seven other Livermore writer friends. We rose to the challenge of producing an anthology of stories, each with exactly 100 words. Available at https://www.amazon.com/s?k=long+stories+short+wild+vine+writers&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss