I look forward to reading two of my poems from the current issue of the Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal at their contributors’ reading on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at the San Francisco Library on Page St.
Past events
Along with four other Finishing Line Press poets from the Bay Area, I had a fun time reading from my new poetry chapbook Tick-tock at the Octopus Literary Salon in Oakland, CA on August 13, 2019.
July 2, 2019: I read “Mojave Moon” at Quiet Lightning’s event at the Laundry in San Francisco. It was my third time to read for them. An honor and pleasure each time.
My Poem “Tick-tock” was included in the Marin Poetry Society’s 2018 anthology. The release event was held in the beautiful Falkirk Cultural Center in Fairfax, CA.
Main Street Designs in Livermore, CA graciously hosted a reading of my first poetry chapbook, Crazytown, in 2016
Towne Center Books hosted a Meet-and-Greet for me on April 5, 2022. We had a full house and sold completely out of books!An enthusiastic turn-out.